Forgiving Embrace
Watching the sunset
And I began to feel empty, ...
tortured and drained and even a bit of envy.
Tears well in my eyes
And I can no longer control
these emotions that have been put on hold.
But as the hot water ran down my face
I feel the tenderness of your embrace.
Strong and comforting and I realize
that all this time you've been right here by my side.
Sickness and in health
through poor and through wealth
You stood by my side
And my heart begins to melt
Why have I forsaken you?
Why have I turned away?
Why when peer pressures came alone
I turned and ran away
I ran and ran until I got lost
into the devils arm
And away from the cross
He made me feel like a sin isn’t a sin…
And all that I once taught wrong
Was right from the beginning
For the first five minutes everything was great
I was on top of the world until minute eight
That’s when it started going south
I felt undistinguished, futile and could barley open my mouth
I cried and cried with a smile on my face
I hid these emotions from the ones I embrace
My mother, friends, sisters and brothers too
But as hard as I tried I couldn’t hide
Them from you
You saw my tears through the cracks in my foundation
And no judgment was brought to me at all
Instead you picked me back up
And held me in your arms
The one place where I truly belong
I bowed my head
And said a little prayer
For all the bad things
You wiped my tears dry
And that gleam was back in my eye
As you kept me under your wings