To forgive someone that's done you wrong doesnt make one happy or jolly.
It just means that your forgiving for you to no longer be part of there folly.
They may think that you'll always be there to take them back.
But now your putting your foot down to show them your no ones reject.
You can only try with someone so many times before you,give and walk away.
Cause no matter how loyal you were you know you cant no longer love them and stay.
These worldly people take the good hearted like myself for granted all the time.
Only to look up for us one day and see we left and our presence they can no longer find.
Memories is all thats left of years being together and prayers wishing to come true.
But now all you have is forgiveness towards them , no longer to feel blue.
It was alot to deal with years of there roller coaster ride.
But now you've given up cause you refuse to continue to hurt from inside.
So forgive for you and move on with love in your heart ,dont look back.
Let go, let God begin to do wonders in your life ,just watch sit back and relax.