A fools dream
An endless dark
Boundless for eternity
Started with but a spark
And magnified into glorious vastness
With great bodies of flame and light
Ringed with odd assortments of rock and gas
All connected, yet separated by immense distance
What mysteries lie untouched?
What treasures undiscovered?
All that is and ever will be
In an ever expanding realm
Beauty lies at every corner
Yet life is far and scattered
It does not flourish in the vastness
Instead it nestles in the warm corners
Growing ever stronger
Eventually it will reach out
Explore the wonders laid before it
It will venture into the unknown
Leaving behind the speck that birthed it
Life will seek to master nature
It will attempt to capture brilliance
Sometimes it will succeed
But it is a fool's dream
In time they will learn
There is no mastery of this greatness
There is no discovery of all the secrets held here
There will never be life in every beautiful corner
It is an endless world
Boundless, beautiful, and expanding
Only a fool would dream to know it all
Perhaps I am a fool