'Flawless' is of flawed design,
I am not perfect, nor are you,
But knowing that my flaws are mine,
And that they've made me strong with time,
I praise myself where praise is due.
In childhood I stood so still,
For I was told that I would break,
From any move that I should make,
But endless will taught me to take,
Those icy words without the chill.
Through my father's iron grip,
I did not bow to ease the blow,
I ran far from cruel words so,
That In time, I would come to know,
My own worth, (T'was quite the trip!)
I came to love those flaws condemned,
By a sick man, cruel and blind,
To kindness and to my quick mind,
It seemed futile, but now I find,
That from my flaws, I came out gemmed.
So I cannot say I have no flaws,
I wouldn't change that for a thing,
From them I've flown on lighter wing,
Learned to laugh and learned to sing,
And for THAT, I deserve applause.