The Fish

The fish, the fish
Beautiful at first
So smart and intelligent

He'll seduce you to come close
But only for a moment

The fish, the fish
So handsome and lovely

He'll catch you in his net
Too caught in the moment to ask
"what's a fish doing with a net?"

Into his domain of water
You've got no chance
Girls can't learn to breath underwater
You'll have to come up for fresh air

The fish, the fish
Has such a lovely face

Now fast forward some weeks
Through more heart break and loss
The fish isn't taunting his stuff
No longer doing fishy things

He'll eventually get you back
Close to him once again

Your oh so happy
Back in his clam sea again

The fish, the fish
Beauty in nature is a deadly thing

He'll push you away this time
Only it's worse somehow
Theres nowhere to go
You're to submerged in his underground lair

The fish, the fish
Come back to me please?

No real hopes for the future
No hopes to be with the fish again

Only hopes for this to be a pattern
A pattern that repeats itself

Your hopelessly fallen for this fish
And that's all you care about.


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