For the First Time in a Long Time
It’s been a long time,
more than I’d care to admit,
that I felt like this.
Afraid because the last time I was hurt.
The last time I was let down.
Last time made me fearful of sharing myself.
But for the first time in a while,
despite my anxiety and vulnerability,
I felt safe and respected.
I felt cared for and accepted.
It may not seem like much to you
or much to others,
but it meant the world to me.
A gentle laugh or smile when I messed up a word
or even with a bad joke,
helped me relax into my normal role.
When I was freezing, you tried to warm me up,
unaware that I was intimidated by the people around us.
But when you pulled me close and I felt safe,
aware that you were paying attention to my state.
And that last hug, I can not explain,
it has been different from ones I’ve felt before.
I felt safe and wanted,
I felt joy and care,
I felt something I haven’t felt in a long time.