Finding Purpose Through Hardship
I have felt pain in my life. The kind of which many can relate. I know that pain, therefore I know the idea of fate. You end up down and out finding yourself without cause. Even sometimes finding yourself clinging to social withdraws. I have found change in my life over the last few years. I have experienced a lot going through seemingly endless blood, sweat, and tears. After all this I have lost 100 lbs and have learned a lot about my fears. Mostly that they weren't nearly as big as I hade made them out to be. After all that pain, I can finally just be me. Now I can see in others what I used to see in myself. Lack of purpose, health, and self wealth. I want to be the change for those who I can relate. I want to be the person to help them change what they perceive to be their fate. Help them find their happiness through all their tears. And by doing that, I will find happiness throughout the remainder of my years.