Finding the Light
On the forbidding ground I lay,
As the trees above me sway.
The clouds above me roar with thunder;
Don’t wake me from my dreamless slumber.
I feel a hurricane is near;
It’s so hard to not feel fear.
Crying winds seep through the valley,
Beneath the trees, I fall to my knees;
I say please to the God I hope is near,
Still no response and I collapse in fear.
Through the darkness of the night,
The crescent moon shone so bright.
The stars above me form a spiral,
The thundering sky no longer viral;
I pushed myself up; said Father please,
Lightning struck the tree and I rose to my feet.
The clouds turned to rain, the blue skies bright as new.
Over my shoulder, a white dove flew.
Firm on my feet now, I knew it had ended;
The darkness within me left unattended.
Three drops of rain and the sun peaked through.
My freedom came, I knew it was true.
My following shadow has since then perished;
Through the blood of the lamb I am greatly cherished.