Filtering Out the Real Me

Who am I, without the makeup mask,


And the wry sense of humor that will get you to gasp?


Who am I without the nice clothes that are sometimes low cut,


And the expensive jewelry hanging off of my wrist and neck?

Who am I without my close knit group of friends,


And family that always has my back?


Without the makeup mask I am a girl who only sees the flaws in the mirror,


And uses mocking humor to hide how deeply the painful truth flows.


Without the nice clothes who had once grown up in the lowest of the lows,


A person who is finally able to see the finer side of things.


I use my friends to filter out the fact that I am invincible,


And my family is here to ensure that I seem perfectly happy.


Who am I without all these filters you ask?


I am merely the raw version of me.


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