feel some type of way
i have to laugh everytime i hear this catch phrase
feel some type of way
i know what this means itself
it's retarded
kids say this cliche and i crack up everytime
i didn't know a song call feel some type of way existed
until i heard that record when i was in the gym working out like a beast
afterwards, that track was so bad
i felt some type of way listening to such hot garbage
but yet, it sells
not knocking one's hustle
to say this is talent,
would be like asking a 5 year old kid to teach you how to drive a car
no way will i embrace such stupidity
every time my students talk about their challenges
at the end, they'll say i feel some type of way
i laugh hysterically and repeat the hook baboo baboo i feel some type of way
they know why i laugh
they concur with me that this punchline is idiotic
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Hopefully the top songs listened to won't always be so meaningless!
Wow! I was laughing the whole entire time while reading this for my siblings say this all the time and it bugs the heck out of me. Not only because I'm there older sister and I want them to go there own paths instead of following everyone else's path but because it sounds so stupid. The only reason why they are saying these stupid phrases is because their favorite rapper or their friends say it. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about having fun and connecting with friends through something we all have in common, but this is just a little too crazy. Hopefully some popular artist comes out with some phrase that doesn't influence kids to say silly things they know sounds like "garbage". Thanks for the laugh. Keep writing on my friend.