Fearless Pt. 1. (Perhaps)
Brittle dirt parts with each step
Moving toward the side of the path
Growing closer to the ocean depth
100 feet down, a deadly bath
Running shoes carefully laced
Gear ready to handle every step
Feet climbing at a steady pace
A course of a mountain, he takes as a clept
The waves crash taking shots
The winds howl drunk with rage
They joke with one another casting lots
“Will he land in water or earthly cage?”
Water spills into his throat
After the wind passed through his hair
His tongue like an bobbing boat
His thirst met with gentle care
The tip of the mountain becomes veiled
The clouds join in as they mock
The plants say he should have bailed
The gulls laugh within their flock
Amidst the warnings he presses on
Though all creation knows his strength
He should arrive at sometime around dawn
If he can keep his steps at length
As the path finally bends around the mountain
He begins to see the weight of his ignorance
Water shooting up like a broken fountain
The wind pushing with obvious hints
Yet he had no fear and faced the giant
The power and majesty of this beast
He was the con-artist’s client
He walked into the lion’s feast
And the brittle earth under his feet
Begin to slip towards the edge
There was no ground for a seat
There was no grip for a ledge
Down he fell on what he had not seen
Pointed rocks towards the sky
Seeking to catch all who would lean
No man could hear his cry
The water and wind settled the bet
It was an even draw
And this man who fell was beset
He was fearless, amidst nature’s law
Were he to see the mountain grand
And not just the side with flowers and love
He would never face sharp rocks once dry
Or become like a wingless dove
The Lord in thick darkness was there
For the Israelites after Egypt
In fear, to impair
Any temptation to avoid His precept
Yet man comes to God so fearless
Like a traveler who nature mocks
They think all He does is love and bless
They will taste the pointy rocks
Blessed be the God who has revealed
His holiness and His grandeur
Let us show to the world what sin concealed
Lest upon the winds they pander.