F**ck the system
the system is the reason the hood got so f**ed
Up in the first place
Everyday we get trapped in the chain
Of the system and dressed in the
Same costume its no wonder success takes
So long to come to each and everyone of
Every person alive carries a burden of passion, making each one of us different so why give a f**k when they say you not the same
The system killed dreams of every ghetto parent alive,when it betrayed them by making them believe that going to school Is their only way to freedom
Now look at how many of us are forced
To follow a system designed to create
failures and quilters to fill these street corners,while it enriches politicians.
So fuck the System I am scripting these
Manuscripts and posting them
On their face,until they start to book
Me and Pay me for every line that I craft on this pages - PRINCE MORETSI,South africa