The Eye of the Storm
This year has passed just like all the others
It's last moments a whisper, before it joined it's brothers
On his deathbed, I spoke to my old friend
While we both knew that he would never mend
I spoke and joked of what we had learned
but he only cared of what we had earned
"love" was the word he said while breathing his last
Love that like him, would expire fast
Over the year I'd grew stronger and faster
I'd begun to exert myself at many things, but none of them did I master
Through the commotions, I'd even gained some new notions
and met someone whom made it all matter
This person was more then my life
More then just someone I wanted for a wife
She was an equal, a sequal to everything I was
What ever I did she was because
But she's leaving soon
My sun will be replaced with a moon
She has to go to a place so far away
That even our love won't be able to stay
And though there will be tears in the coming year
I am without a care
Because what's the point in thrashing and my tears choreographing
When I can lay next to my beautiful love laughing?