An Experience of a Lifetime


United States
29° 0' 6.6888" N, 82° 32' 24.8208" W

Standing in line, anxiously waiting to enter the venue, I feel
This strange connection with the people around me.
All of them here for the same reason as I.
To bask in the sweet sound of our passion.
Our life. Our souls. Our music.

Then the moment arises.
From the stage comes the vibrations of the the Fender Stratocaster.
The notes of the beautiful instrument run through my head and drip
Down my body, sending a sensation to my nerves that encourages goose
Bumps on every inch of my skin.

The music soars and climbs the walls of the building, which has now
Become a church for us to pray to our one and only god. Music.
It goes on for what seems like an eternity. The constant sound of my
favorite band is bliss...

This is an experience of a lifetime...


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