When Michael Brown died, his death was his own fault.
No one blamed the white man who was doing his job.
But people hax audacity to tell his mother her cries for her baby boy were too much.
When Tamir Rice died, it was because he had a "gun"
No one labeled him a kid, but they labeled him a thug. He's a thug who's little sister saw him die
When Eric Gartner died, it was reasonable .
He was selling illegal drugs and was a "threat". Even though he never once used violence.
No one labeled as him as a loving father.
Lives lost don't matter if they fit the society's standards. Black Lives matter.
Black people protest for the black lives lost.
White people protest over religion.
Black fight and stand up but are kicked down by government. People always say we are equal.
If we equal why do I get paid less? Why are we always depicted as a sidekick or servant?
Why more of us in jail than white people? We don't commit more crime.
We need equality and we fight till we achieve it.
We will fight till until black boys aren't killed anymore.
We fight until I can drive without being stopped for my color.
Until here's no such thing as black face makeup.
Until I don't have to call my brother to make sure he is okay.
Until we start hearing about black achievements instead of murders.
We will fight.
And we will win.