Everything Truly is Awesome
My parents could never help me with my homework.
Everything is awesome.
I learned to teach myself and became a better student for it.
My father was an addict.
Everything is awesome
I gained a persepective that freed me from ever becoming and addict myself.
I got bullied in school.
Everything is aweome.
I found out how much my sisiter truly cares about me.
My parents got divorced.
Everything is awesome.
I got to see my family free from an abusive person.
I had no stable home.
Everything is awesome.
I learned a lot of adaptibility skills that came in handy later in life.
I dropped out of college.
Everything is awesome.
I now attend a new college under a major that actually makes me happy.
I fell apart
Everything is awesome.
I found out there are many people there ready to put me back together.
There are many things that have happened to me.
They have made my life truely awesome.
They have made me who I am.