Everything is Awesome
You ask what I find awesome,
Where is the silver lining?
So here I list the things
that keep my word shining:
People who love nature,
helping upside down bugs.
That friend who snorts in laughter
and unexpected hugs.
That feeling finding money
you didn't know you lost.
To choose the right side up
in a quarter toss.
High fives, the smell of rain, and waking up refreshed;
The sour face that babies make,
first time tasting lemon zest.
America- home of the brave,
free through every ocean wave.
Discovering that ear side buzz,
was a bird and not a bug.
Burning muscles from the gym,
a glass of soda filled to the brim.
Cold milk after chocolate cake,
funny accents that are fake.
Cookiedough, cats, and ice cream;
The sense of De ja vu.
That friend who gladly gives
their last piece of gum to you.
You ask what I find awesome,
Where is the silver lining?
So here I list the final things
that keep my world shining:
Dropping food is sad at first,
but there's a five-second rule.
To live life an optimist
is not to live life a fool.