I’m angry. And I have a right to be. Because ain’t nobody fighting hard enough for our EQUALITY.
Every time I turn around theres another black man or woman lying cold in on the ground. Maybe I should stop turning around, huh? Or maybe when we raise our hands towards the sky you aren’t so
Quick to shoot. No justifications. No second guessing. No fair warnings.
Unjust? Man we’ve been saying that for years. Until we get a bit violent that’s when they say “I’m all ears.” But guess what
Actions speak louder than words and according to my memory we’re still waiting to be heard. Because ain’t no
Life greater than another. I treat every human being like my sister or my brother. Can it be that hard to protect the lives of the
Innocent. I still cant breathe like Eric Garner. And you want to talk about being
Tired? Man my people are exhausted. Going back to the days when we couldn’t drink from the same faucets. Leave the tiredness back where you found it. Because theres no room for it, you gotta be well rounded. If no justice is appointed
You aren’t angry enough yet.