The Epitome of Awesomeness

Everything is awesome,
is what a child’s movie told me.
It told me that life was awesome, people are awesome,
and that awesome was what I should see.
I didn’t feel like everything was awesome one day.
I didn’t even feel free.
How could I feel awesome when awesome
wasn’t for me.
I searched high and low and everywhere inbetween,
I couldn’t find awesome, it wasn’t near me.
And as I was just about to give up on searching
for this thing that was suppose to fulfill me,
a little girl came and smiled her biggest smile
and she started to talked to me.
She pointed out the sky,
the flowers, and the bees.
She pointed out the light
that shimmers on the sea.
She pointed out the happiness and joy
that jumped all around me.
I guess in order to see awesomeness
a child’s perspective is key.
Thanks to that child I feel the joys of living
and as awesome as awesome can be!

This poem is about: 
Our world


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