The sun rises rises in my soul. The rays dance and explodelike lyrics hitting the ear. I am the song. Illusionsshatter like glass. I morph into a dazzling tapestry of shadow and light. Thesetting sun no longer reminds me of death. The startling flashes of brilliant color ignitesthe sky as the source, wrapped in a ball of light,slowly falls. Itweeps and does not see its magnificent beauty,but like all survivors, it will rise. I will rise. This world will be lit by thousands of balls of light. You and me. The homeless man scrounging for a morsel of meat. We will all be a flash of beauty. We are all connected by a cord. This cord will sing our song, our story for eternity.
There shall be darkness and rot. There shall be turmoil and the fallen. But we will rise rise rise. I do not know what awaits after this life. But, for the first time I am home.