Enough, is enough.
It's almost like enough
Heaven in a room to,
rest easy.
With little and big helpers,
along the walls.
Ready to guide me,
to become the man I dream of.
I lift and lift,
but only see minimal results.
I tell myself,
that it's not enough.
The bars hang over me,
with weights that rest easy.
Easy, maybe hard, but
still not enough.
I breathe, and
I raise the bar.
One more rep.
One more.
Not enough is,
all I can think about.
I rest to only see that,
these helpers have, in fact,
helped me.
Helped me get my mind off,
the problems that I face.
Day in and day out,
all I can think of is,
to be lying down.
Lying on that bench,
looking at the bar.
Wishing I could do more, but
for now this is enough.
Enough to get my mind straight.
Enough to get me to tomorrow.
This is enough.