Waking up is difficult for me
That's when the thoughts start
Mirrors torment me
I don't look like beautiful girls look
I am not a size two
My hair is a mess
My stomach potrudes more than I want
I hate the way I look
I gag when I see myself
I know I'm not alone in this struggle
There's other people that know what it's like
To wish and pray
Pray to look like someone else
To be someone else
As much as I dislike my apperance
I wouldn't want to change it
Even though I say I would
I want to change this destructive mindset
This voice that tells me to skip dinner
To wear makeup and change my hair
I shouldn't feel this repulsive
I don't want to be this way
These thoughts are destroying me
I want it to change
For once I want to feel good enough
Pretty, thin, and smart enough
I want to love myself
But it's so hard when I can't change my mind
Tihs nightmare never seems to end
Self hate has consumed me for so long
Twelve years is too long
I'm only eighteen
People told me this is the happiest time of your life
So why am I drowning and fighting for every breath
Why am I so unsatisfied with what I see in myself
I want to cahnge so many things
But most of all
I want to change my mind
I want to feel like I am good and strong
Because I've had enough