endless nightmares featuring wpimentel16
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wpimentel16's verse:
Nights without sleep but with my eyes closed
Vivid dreams about that night
About how I would see you fall
How you would be holding my hand and just collapse
But then again this sounds like a movie
This “movie” is my life.
I dream over and over again how you fell that day
How that day I lost my father
How that one day we were separated for the worst
The crash on the floor
The bullets driving through your chest and head
The bullet that hit me when you didn’t say I’m okay
When a man in a black uniform carried me away and asked who was he
I was scared, I didn’t like police
They took me away from my hero to now know he wasn’t even that
But poof the dream was over
Reality stuck and that night he died
Abandoned and without care
Lost where no one knew where he was.
This man without hope seen months pass by
And his body became more disfigured
His blood a dry violent color
MVP-Most Valuable Poet’s Verse:
Sleepless nights where my eyes are close
My mind is not at ease graphically picturing images of that night
The profound sound of knife stabbing its way to your chest
Blood gushing faster than the flash, who won’t catch every blood that drips to the floor
I wasn’t even there to save you
You just collapse without permission
This isn’t a movie, where directors are choreographing scenes that’s surreal
Nobody is getting paid to watch something in horror that became a life changer for all that was so close to you
Even though I never dreamt it, I can visualize it in my own mind
Nightmares in transformation to reality of finger pointing rather than mind reasoning of what actually occur
That day, I lost my aunt
Separated from bad to worse
Families that divide and conquer without seeking the truth
Every time, I hear the multiple stab wounds, I felt my chest opening up to the pain you were suffering
The cops came
Never ask me what happen, I wasn’t even there
I do know that my father’s brother was the killer
You were already dead when you least expected
I’m not one to wish harm to no one, even my worst enemy
When you passed away in jail, it was best that you were in a safest environment than the outs
Even though I don’t have those nightmares, that was a part of my life I will never forget.
This poem is about:
My family
Guide that inspired this poem: