The end of the rainbow
Remember the days when we felt free
Back in the days when we were happy as can be
Not a worry in the world where all our dreams came true
When we believed at the end of the rainbow was a pot of gold
Those were the days we were maybe 5 years old
Days became weeks,weeks became years
The next thing we know happiness became tears
Joy became sadness and pain
Addictions turned our tears into rain
What we once believed to be happiness and fate
Soon became sadness and hate
Dreams became nightmares and darkness
Alcohol and drugs covered up heartbreak and righteousness
Our smiles faded and turned usto sin
Our addictions made us believe our lives were happy once again
They people we once believed to be our true friend
Turned on us and came to an end
We covered our pain with lies and dope
We then began to give up hope
As children we dreamt of a wonderful life
Instead as we grew it felt like we were being stabbed with a knife
The peace and joy we once felt
Ended up being the hand we were dealt
Accept the person that you are
One day you will become someones shining star
When your days come to an end
Is when we will see who was really your friend