Educate Me
Simply educate me
That’s all I want from you
You do your job and I’ll do my work and listen with learning ears
because I want a future
where this knowledge will help me to do great things in life
Because of you I will be smarter
Care about your job
Why do you teach?
Make learning interesting
Don’t give up on us
Take us further with your words and actions
The more you care the more I try
But I try anyways for me
Motivate us to do better
Make us want to listen
Reach out if we’re falling
Listen if we’re calling
Tell us about the real world
and what we need to know
Things that we can use in life
Not just how to find the answer to an imaginary problem
But a real problem that’s currently going on
Do what you got to do to get your point across
To help us learn things
I still think about the things I learned from years of education
Because of you I know these things
I wish I could remember everything
So your teaching will not go to waste
But I can only remember some things
But If you’re going to teach, then really teach
So we will always know what you’ve taught us
and not just have it memorized temporarily
Because if it is only temporary, what is the point of learning it then?
Simply educate me
That’s all I want from you