Eat your heart out mountain man
I hear the cool whisper of wind
Blowing softly through my hair
I see the vast escape before me
And for once I don’t have a care
Why lower myself to worry
Why ponder what you think
My heart is made of gold
My fears have gone extinct
Yes I see my heart
I know it tries to beat for you
But I will not dare to stop
I will let this flower bloom
I am radiant
I am rising like the tide
Yes I do care for you
But keep up or I'll pass you by
I need nothing you have to offer
You need nothing of me
Others think that I'm all a flutter
When really I've been set free
My head is turned up
My eyes focused up above
I have my sights set on the horizon
My heart has its fill of love
This is not a lament
Not to condemn or pry
But don't think for a minute
That I have forgotten how to fly
My emotions are not an anchor
I am weightless and set free
My heart is full of love
But its not for you but the king
So do not pity this soul
For it is moving up
You may be the wine
But God has already filled my cup.