Drowning (In Thoughts)
You're just a normal person
You live like everyone else
Happy, smiling, the most loved person in your circle of friends
Great grades, fantastic job, nothing could possibly be wrong
Sadness couldn't possibly trouble you
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong
But that's how you wanted it to seem
After the great day and after making plans, it's time to go home
Home is where the family you live with belongs
The family that doesn't notice
Doesn't watch what they say or consider your feelings when making decisions that leaves you feeling left out
Nobody likes what you like and bothers you with doing everything they should be helping you with
They don't notice what happens when you lock yourself in your room
Then this happens....
The darkness consumes what little light there was
Your thoughts suddenly bring up all your mistakes
All your regrets, poor decision making, great relationships you took for granted, all the stupid things you blurted out through out the day
Suddenly you start to notice everyone that pointed and laughed at what you did with your hair
Another rumor was started by your sister and out of nowhere, you break down
Tears run down your cheeks as your chest starts constricting
The stress starts to choke you and the anxiety pulls and strains at your muscles
That knot under your shiulder blade pains your back paralyzing your arm
The tears only flow harder
The silver is under your bed
It shines somehow in the dark
You want it all to end. You just want to be truly happy, The voices wont go away
"Go ahead" "Nobody really cares" "Nobody even notices" "They are happier without you"
The mornig sun comes back up
The sun shines through soflty kissing your tear stricken face
It catches on the silver, with the reminder of last night on its blade
And on your wrist