Driven to the Gates
Relentless driving to another break
Each rest stop another wreck at stake
Driven to the gates
Where the lights shown luminiously
Road to all fates
Take away everything painlessly
Driven to the gates of dreams
Stream to wonders
Open eyes seem to gleam
Where the sound of trumpets thunder
Gates to where driven
Where hands aren't on the wheel
Where compassion is all feel
Drifting into air away from livin'
Drive to the gates
Where we don't know what awaits
Wheels keep turning
To the open doors
The cloudy floors
Residue of mist churns
The windshielf becomes clear
Where driven becomes to no fear
Driven to the gates wide open
Windows down and the sound echoes
The soft breeze that flows pours in
Music of trumpets and chimes that flows
Driven and I keep driving
To the sounds of joyful noise
With my eyes on the road
I keep surviving
Time that tolls, but I keep poise
The gates of gold
Driven to the gates I will find
Fighting for what's in mind
Until time disappears
And my mind is clear
I shall travel that road of mine
God said everything will be fine
Those gates are still far
So I am driven
To each star
An angel of Heaven
Stands watch for me
Until I reach those doors eventually
I stand driven to those gates