Dreams About Nightmares
My favourite dream is about a bus.
A bus with a spotless white interior, so clean that I didn't want to move.
I was SURROUNDED by people that I knew, but didn't know.
All of a SUDDEN, there was a CHANGE. At first it wasn't very noticeable
like a shift in the wind, or a new person walking into a room.
We just knew.
Our jubilant activities and laughter resumed, however, til we realized.
The bus WAS moving, but we kept passing the same SCENERY, PLACES, TREES.
We weren't hungry,
or tired, even if it felt as hours had passed.
Then the spell broke.
Now, I don't suppose I have a favourite NIGHTMARE.
Who says they have favourite nightmares?
That's like saying you have a favourite fear.
My nightmares frequently include tornadoes.
I always hide from them in ridiculous places, like behind a couch.
Sometimes, however, I just stand outside.
Watching it close in.
But I don't run.
And I wonder:
Why do I stay?