A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes, Or is It? - for the why i write contest
They say a dream is a wish your heart makes
But your heart doesn’t warn you of all the roadblocks it will take:
The sleepless nights,
The negative opinions of even your closest allies,
Society’s judgment,
The tears and disappointment
Until you begin to question your heart,
Do dreams ever really come true?
Why not have a change of heart and a new dream?
So, you begin living out this new dream
This one feels more attainable
This one has fewer roadblocks
You achieve this dream without much effort
And you’re happy
You’re satisfied, but you’re not fulfilled
Your heart still yearns for your original dream,
The dream that caused you all the pain before
The one that had you questioning your heart
But now you realize that dreams can come true
You know that your first dream is attainable,
It may take more faith, effort, strength, and courage
But it will be more fulfilling because it will teach you more
It is the dream that was meant for you,
The one your heart personally chose on its own
And your heart is the reason you’re alive, isn’t it?
Then trusting it is the least you can do.