A Dream Or Not
A brazen force,
disturbs the sleep,
shatters the tranquility,
abandons the rest with ease
trying to set itself free,
it longs to envelope and capture me.
I know not if this is a dream,
or an ethereal force against the scheme of things
Taking the soul to its eternity,
and with this fear have I been remiss,
now my mind deceives and will not dismiss.
I scream out, "It is not my time,"
"Just go away,"
but this cruelty continues without delay,
what a terrible price I am now to pay,
as the curtains move/ and sway and sway.
No, it is not my mind at play,
unresolved conflict and internal decay,
between what reality is and what the subconscious wants it to be,
as I easily drown in this merciless sea.
Startled and frightened, my inner resolve awaken me,
to this daily reality.
The place I still long to be,
an unsettled mind called out to me.
But now the bedroom lights will always remain on,
Lest, I be taken to where I don't yet belong.