Don't You Do It
When you get the news, your heart stops.
Not a success, its just an attempt,
All the same, your stomach drops.
But with that kind of fear, no one’s exempt.
Suddenly you can’t think straight,
Your mind focuses on that single thing,
You live in a clouded yet frenzied state,
Snapped out of it when your phone rings.
Quickly, you jump into to action,
‘Is she okay? Have you called 911?’
Don’t pause, no time for distraction,
No second for panic, absolutely none.
‘Yeah, yeah, they’re on the way,’
The line goes quiet, but I know he’s there,
Just out of words, he’s got nothing to say.
He’s scared, and feeding the fear in the air.
‘I think I caught her just in time,’
He voice is soft, and it shakes.
‘We’ll just get her help, she’ll be fine,’
His voice hardens, no more quakes.
I can hear the sirens on his end,
And I know they must be there,
They must be there, saving my friend,
Saving us all from this horrible scare.
And now, months have passed.
Val is healthy, and happy too.
She’s beautiful, her sadness gone at last.
She’s healing; she’s seen it through.
We don’t talk about it much,
It’s now a memory that we all ignore,
Like it will go away if we treat it such.
It’s a scar, and I don’t wish to see more.