Don't Think Too Much
Don’t think too much
About forbidden touch
Or legal abuse of such
Little creatures like dairy cows and fabric workers.
Don’t feel too much.
The homeless man with his crutch
Can disappear, hush.
Turn your head dear, eat McDonald’s chicken fingers.
Don’t love too much.
Time dulls this crush.
People slip through your clutch.
As flashing lights shine both your eyes close the shutters.
Our world distracts us from seeing,
Persuades us we need a break.
You deserve one after your dead-end job.
Turn the TV on to the latest ‘Bachelor’.
Don’t think too much.
So loud. So loud. So loud. Too loud!
I shut my eyes from the too-bright lights.
I need to escape the escape, to find solace.
I put pen to paper and hear its whisper.
Poetry softly roars while TV screams shrill.
You’ll remember the written words for time
Degrees of magnitude than you’ll remember
(consciously) that singing cat meme.
Real love takes more effort
Than a heart reaction on Facebook.
Writing truth takes longer than posting.
Yet I want to share myself, not another video.
Mute the volume for a second.
Can deaf ears hear again
the music of the pen?
I think too much.