Don't tell me to Calm Down


Anxiety is not cute
Anxiety is not something to be laughed at or to be taken lightly
Anxiety is when your lungs seem to collapse on themselves and heave with every breath you take 
Anxiety is when all your good thoughts turn cloudy and only the bad ones remain. 
Anxiety is when you try to speak but all that comes out are sobs
Anxiety is when your throat closes and your tears flow like rivers
Anxiety is when you put your head in between your knees to stop the world from shaking
Do not tell me to calm down
Do not tell me it's not a big deal
Because to me, it is
To me, I feel I feel I feel I feel
To me, I hurt I hurt I hurt I hurt
Why can't you understand
This isn't my fault
This isn't me
It's not all in my head
It's in my body
from head to toe I feel this overwhelming panic
Don't tell me to calm down
Don't tell me to breathe
Why cant you understand
This isn't something I can control 
This isn't something I can stop.
This isn't something that will go away
Anxiety is something that will be with me my whole life
Like a dark cloud looming over my head
Waiting for me to break 
Waiting for my plastered on smile to chip
You're not good enough
You'll never be good enough 
No body likes you
No body wants you
No body needs you
Don't call me vain cause I look in the mirror every chance I get
Don't call me fake cause I'm always smiling
I need to
It's the only way I keep the pieces of me together
Why can't anyone see the only thing holding me together is hope and some string
Why can't anyone see that the only reason I'm laughing is to keep away the tears
Why can't anyone see that I'm screaming, yelling for someone to tell me I'm beautiful
Tell me I'm kind
Tell me I'm smart
Tell me I'm wanted
Assure me that there's a reason I'm here
Why can't anyone see that I'm walking a tightrope as thin as fishing line and I'm going to fall off. 
Why can't anyone see that my head isn't quite screwed on right 
Like a car without an engine, I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going forward, I'm not being fixed, I'm not finished.
I'm an antique china doll missing an arm. 
A painted on smile and a factory made personality
Model number 11133752
Hello nice to meet you my name is smiling on the outside, crying on the inside
Help me help me help me help me help me.
People tell me to hide it
To cover it and bury it deep deep within myself
And I try I try I swear I try 
But it's always there beneath the surface 
Don't tell me to calm down
Tell me you'll be there to catch me when I fall
Tell me you're there
Tell me that you need me here
Tell me that I am good enough
Tell me you love me.



This poem speaks so personally to me. Thank you for writing this <3

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