Don't Talk to Me About College
The only thing
People ever seem to
Talk to me about
Is college.
Where do you want to go?
What do you want to major in?
What's your SAT score?
What are you doing
to get where you wanna go?
Are the nice ones
And then...
Then you get people like my mother.
Right now...there is nothing truly
You could put on your application
You're not going to win Stanford over with a sob story about how your daddy left
Here are some application essay books.
Read them.
It's ironic
Because she went to Cal.
And my father.
2100 isn't good enough. You're better than that.
To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed.
The head of the Stanford Alumni Association said 2200.
It's ironic
Because he never went to college
And now makes more money
Than my degree-bearing mother
And then there’s people
Like extended family
And teachers
And administrators
And essentially
Anyone over the age of twenty
Don’t talk to me about college
My life isn’t a blossom
Whose terminal height
Is determined by
The prestige of my degree.
We were raised believing
We have to work our asses off
Day in and day out
Only to send our applications
To people who might not want us
Like cows for slaughter
Sent to the house after years
Of beefing up, just praying
We might be juicy enough
And tender enough
And fatty enough
To be called Chateubriand.
So don’t ask me about college
Don’t ask me about this
Horrendous system
That determines your entire life
Based on your performance
As a teenager
This system that puts
So much emphasis on grades
And numbers
And scores
That students are no longer driven
To learn, but to see those numbers
Don’t get me wrong
I recognize
That this is a first world problem.
Something that
I’m lucky to complain about
That some kids
Are never asked
Never expected
To go to college
But there are plans I have
And people I’ll meet
And places I’ll go
That can’t be summarized
In a sweatshirt
You wanna know what
I wanna hear?
Hey Tash, how’s your baby sister?
Because she’s doing great
And she loves to dance
And she’s eager to learn
Are you upset
That your trip to Brazil got cancelled?
I was going to meet my Brazilian family
For the first time
And my birthfather failed to be responsible
But I’ll survive.
What’s the last book you read?
Paper Towns by John Green
And it made me question my existence
But somehow validated its significance
At the exact same time.
There’s more to me
Than an essay
Or a score
And colleges fail to recognize that
It’s unfortunate
And it’s degrading
But that’s the society we live in
Given the opportunity,
Absolutely I would change it, but
For a bit of perspective--
It wouldn’t help us out
We’re still screwed
But I want to do better
For my pilot little brother
And my dancer little sister
And their kids
And my kids
And their kids
So don’t ask me about college
Ask me about the future
And how I’m planning to rearrange it.