Don't Do It
When stuff goes to hell
Sometimes we just break away
Away from the world.
We all have problems
We all endure suffering
But we just can't leave.
Find your own anchor.
Your tie to reality.
Find what keeps you here.
Life is your own gift
Treasure your gift, enjoy it
I promise, I love you.
Don't make that big fall
Don't pick up that razor blade
Don't you dare use ropes
It is not worth it
Ending your life is too quick
It is too painful
If you can't hear me
I'll always be calling out:
You are beautiful
You are unique
You are special
You are smart
You are handsome
You are the perfect weight
You are the perfect height
You are amazing
You are spectacular
You are cute
You make my day
You make me want to live
You are the reason I wake up in the morning
You are perfect
You are human, too
Don't do it.
Don't do it for my own sake.
I couldn't bear to see such an amazing person pass away.
Don't take your own life.
I love you.