Do You Know What It Does To Me?
When you drive your car and your engine burns fuel,
Do you know what it does to me?
When you turn your heater on in the cold winters,
Even when you purchase groceries,
Do you know what it does to me?
When you take your luxurious trips across the world,
When you stay on the computer all night,
When you become thirsty and drink out of plastic bottles,
Even when you go to McDonalds and get a double cheeseburger,
Do you know what it does to me?
All the daily things you do affect me
So my question is again,
Do you know what it does to me?
It’s hard to breath
It’s hard to see, which makes it hard to hunt
My sense of smell is slowly fading
I become weak
It’s difficult to survive
If it does all these things to me,
What does it do to you?