Dig Deeper Then Ever Before
Look beyond the mistakes that we make. Dig deeper then ever before to the matter of the heart. Life is an open road just waiting to be explored. You flirt with fire you will go up in flames. Folks your going to reap what you sow. There's no way to get around friends. Your on center stage and the spot light is on you. True friends in life stick closer then a brother. A friend should always be at your side when your in need of help. Beware of "Toxic" people that come into your life to steal your joy. Life is too short to be stagnant and complacent. It should be fully embraced by soaring on the wings of faith. We have to be sharp during these evil days in which we live. Be willing to let things go & forgive. Pray with all your might this is a sure fire way to lighten your way. Heavy hearts will plunge into it's vast sea of love. Fly on sweet angelic love !