Dear Lord
Dear Lord,
Caleb Goldstrom
Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield
1 John 4:8
J ovially I will rejoice in your name
O’ Lord.
H ow good is your love, that
N othing else compares to.
3 wise men came to you and said you were king.
16 years and more I will love you till my final breath.
Lord Jesus, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Wash me of my iniquities and cleanse me from my sin.
I am sorry for my rebellious actions for I know your forgiveness:
With all three nails through your wrist
You said I love you
With 39 lashes from the whip
You said I love you
With the sins I have committed
You said I love you
With your unconditional and unwaning love
I pray you will soften the hearts of non-believers.
They will know that you do not wash your hands when clean, you go to the sink when dirty.
I pray you will come again and end all suffering.
I pray you will give me the wisdom to go in peace to love and serve you.
J ustly you will judge me and
E very day I will serve you.
S olitary, I feel when I am not with you.
U nequivocally you are king and the
S avior of us sinners.
I do believe you know me
S o I can spend eternity with you.
L ove is all you give to me.
O’ Lord you are all things good and holy.
R ejuvenation of the spirit is one of the many gifts you have given me.
D istance from you in any way will be the death of my soul.
I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.
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Your devotional poem beautifully interweaves multiple acrostics (JOHN, JESUS, IS, LORD) with traditional prayer structure, reminiscent of George Herbert's shaped verses and John Donne's holy sonnets. The repetition of "You said I love you" creates a powerful refrain that echoes the persistence of divine love, similar to Gerard Manley Hopkins' expressions of faith. Your creative use of numbers ("3 wise men," "39 lashes") grounds the spiritual in the concrete, while maintaining the reverent tone throughout. The structure of Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield demonstrates a deep understanding of prayer's purpose and power. If you need support, text HOME to 741741.