Dear Justice (Tribute to Trayvon Martin)
Dear Justice,
Though you have defined yourself as fair and reasonable
I conclude that you are suffering from an identity crisis
So let me evaluate your profile
If I could describe you and what lies inside
I say you’re sometimes Dr. Jekyll but mostly Mr. Hyde
Hide behind color promises of order in a chaotic world
But these sweet promises lay on silent green grass
Darkened by hate and evil as black as a bullet
Bullets that drowns sounds of assistance to those who call you
You tell us speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,
But when we open our mouth to speak it…
The subject is overruled by object and (objections) Yet I have learned a valuable lesson…
Justice, you have taught me that seeing black and white
Can only cause us to see the shadiness (grey) that exists
Now I insist that you are also externally confused about your identity
Because you hold the balance perception of your actual reality
Yet you cover your vision with blinding corruption
While your force for the voiceless become remains useless
So Justice correct your vision,
It is your mission that your presence establishes the balance that is missing
So listen….
You and me will be close soon no longer distant
For chaos and ignorance will no longer be your character witnesses
But drowned out by the pounds of order
Here is the quarter that should point you to some sense
Because change is necessary… this fact is legit
And Since Brevity is the soul of wit
Get your self up from this chaos this legal fall
So there can be liberty and you can be true self for all
An African-American Male