Dear Industrialized World
Across the vast blue ocean,
Rising out of the rainbow reef,
Lies a solitary Island.
Its tree-crested mountains,
And river-carved valleys,
Sing the song of paradise.
An unblemished world,
The last one left,
Quakes -- in terror.
White sails crest the waves,
Shouts, they echo to shore,
Iron impales the sand.
With death in their eyes,
Men rush ashore,
The Island -- trembles.
Its children, they flee
Axes chop its trees,
Gunshots, blood, squealing -- dead.
Its rivers run red,
Intruders pierce its veil,
The ground starts -- to shudder.
The sand, it slowly shifts,
And the mountains moan,
As the Island cries out.
Suddenly, a blast resounds,
The sky darkens to black,
And Paradise turns -- to Hell.
The men, they run in fright,
As fire falls from above,
Consuming their ships, their lives.
Wounded, and in pain,
But free from their grasp,
The Island -- subsides.
Its children, they return,
Red and black turn to green,
As new life begins to grow.
Across the vast blue ocean,
Rising out of the rainbow reef,
Lies a solitary Island.
Its lava-crusted mountains,
And blood-drenched valleys,
Mourn its loss of innocence.