A Day In The Life
She feels them staring at her.
The energy it gives off
Makes her want to jump out of her skin.
Still she walks on with her head held high.
She notices how they look at her.
The stiffled comments
And the gestures.
The extreme feeling of anxiety.
Still she walks on with her head held high.
She knows that they watch her.
They analyze her gait
Her appearance
Her appeal.
Still she walks on with her head held high.
She's become used to the distant words of the strangers.
How they judge her as if it is their right.
She tells herself that she doesn't care.
Still she walks on with her head held high.
She wakes up before the sun
Because she knows it will take a while
To convince herself to leave
The safety of her private space;
To venture out into the world
Where they are simply waiting.
She constantly feels the prickles down her neck.
She times when she leaves home
So she might not see them,
Or others like them.
She is scared.
She knows she will see them today.
She takes a deep breath.
And walks on.