Darling, Doll, Sweetheart
Alright, sweetheart.
What’s this about acting the victim,
Your dress is stained, my dear,
And your hair a rat’s nest.
Who let you get this bad,
My darling?
And what can I do to make you
Come back over here?
Your lipstick’s smeared on your teeth
Again, doll.
How did you mess up so badly,
With your face
So messy and stained?
Wipe away those tears,
And smooth out your skirt.
No one likes a distraught
Little girl.
Don’t act like you’re the victim
Who has to hear your sobbing,
My dear?
I labor all day and all night
And you do little but
Act a prisoner.
That’s rather unbecoming
And I’d rather you stop
This little game of ours.
I’m not asking you to grow
A backbone, darling
No one wants that
But enough spine
To keep a slight wind
From knocking you over,
Sweet one,
Is of great import.
No one likes a victim,
My dear.
It makes us
That you’re in there
And that we haven’t
Scooped you out
Of that darling shell
Just yet.