Darker Haze
I will let darkness cover me, Make me weary
I can not possibly believe again.
my life is dreary
Only Hate befriends me now and then
I can and will break every mold
For it was said
I am cold
Should I be filled with dread?
Is it truly my fault...
That I see though The haze?
By default
I can get through the maze?
I can see no innocence
In a human heart.
In a sense...
Every human is tart
Being human fills you with guilt
Somehow it's only me that sees this
Humans aren't all that well built
Falling in a black abyss...
Why is it only me that sees the darkness.....
Laying dormant in every soul? I think
that it's my awareness...
That tares me and brings me to a brink
Of madness that I know
Is slowly taring me in two
And this sadness will only grow
Until I eventually do...
Fall to this madness
And shatter this awareness
Break away from this sadness
And fall away in to a deep darkness