Dark Canvas
You were perfect...too perfect,
Your warm smile sheltered your bitter words
Those deep blue eyes focused far beyond me
You only confirmed my greatest fear:
I was not enough
With skin as dark as mine how could I be seen as “beautiful”
With eyes as muddy as mine how could anyone see clearly into my soul
My insecurities build walls to keep me in and everyone else away
But you stay only to break me for the fragile piece of china I am
I spend my solitude along in a dark room
Anyone who knows me knows I hate being alone… and the dark.
My mind races with flashbacks like film
It reminds me of who you wanted me to be and who I couldn’t be
I was not enough
But as my skin tensed with chills
As my body began to shake with the fear of what was to come next
As my eyes wept bitterly with the salt that you gave me
I had to stop. And think of the portrait in the making
You left me a thin strip of paint
How naive I was to think it was the entire painting
The paint was only a dot compared to the entire canvas that patiently waited to be painted
Do I fill the canvas with deep blues
Shall I let the darkness be my main forte?
Darkness does not choke out all that exists
It simply enhances what is already there
Soft yellows and vibrant reds with sensational purples
I’ll fill my canvas until there is beauty from the darkness
Pictures tell a thousand words
Mine only says three:
You are enough.