Dad 4
You don’t even know me
And I’ve never seen you trying
I’ve only seen you pretend
To love me, but you put that to an end
You act like you know everything
But the ones you should aren’t those things
You could help me learn things, but you don’t
You could help me draw, bike or something, but you won’t
Because you left, with no warning
And now my eyes are burning
You used to call me a crybaby
Am I? Well, maybe
Only if that means I have true emotions
Because I cry when I feel like I’m broken
But you never knew I felt that way
But I have, I did for over 730 days
That’s two whole years dad, you didn’t even ask
But then again, maybe it was because of my mask
You never bothered to look under it, to see the true me
You know, the person you don’t know, even after 13 years you’ve made oh so crappy
You still don’t know me yet, do you?
I’m an artist, an author, a poet, and an otaku
Maybe you would’ve understood me better
If I was interested in the same things as my brother
Sports, skating, cars and such
But for me, those don’t do much
I prefer something I can create, anything I ‘ought
May it be a pretty picture or a hateful letter of my thoughts
The ones you never bothered to know, like your own daughter
And I wonder, does a dad like that deserve to be called a father?
Because you don’t know a single thing about the way I’ve grown
Or about the way I am when I am all alone
Do you know why you don’t know?
Because you’ve never, ever, bothered to, make conversation past “Hi”, “Hello”
Not a how are you, because you aren’t ready for that answer
You aren’t ready for the hurt, sadness, hatred, and anger
Because they would hit like running into a wall
A wall I’ve put up to keep you away so that I don’t have another fall
Not a physical one, where I can get up and brush it away
The emotional kind, where it will always leave scars, and I see them every day
They’re white now, just so you know dad
But they’ve been red, pink, and they’ve hurt so bad
And they were right in front of your face
But you never noticed in any time or place
You never looked or even opened your eyes
Just your mouth that kept spitting out lies
But let them come back, let karma hurt you
It would destroy you, inside out, with no one left to love you
Why? Because dad, anyone’s love for you is one-sided
So maybe karma should hit you, and while you’re blindsided
Maybe that will be the day that you finally try to apologize
And that will be the day I flip the tables and look you in your eyes
And tell you that it’s my decision to forgive, you won’t have a say
Oh wait, wasn’t that what you said that day?
When you tore me up and down, and you knew it
You could see me right there, and in two I was split
And I hated you since and for far longer
And I can’t say the hatred’s made me any stronger
Quite the opposite
I’ll admit
But I’ll overcome it, this is something I just know
And someday, there will be love, not hatred, in my bones
There will be a heart of gold in my chest, no more black
And that’s the day I’ll finally have all of me back
(Image and poem credits to myself)