Core of Chaos
Sometimes you wonder
in a world torn asunder
if chaos is truly the answer
or if order is the rightful banner.
Despite it all, you say
I am but one island
bobbing along the waves
like a little diamond.
The island is buffered each way
by winds and waves; a ray
of brilliant but sparse sunlight
penetrates the dense blight.
It is a dream of mine,
(nay, a dream of many)
to be able to stand in that sunshine
after a long and arduous journey.
The glow that envelopes
the layers long developed
to disguise oneself in public
in an attempt to be slick.
I am not brave. I am not tall.
I am not good for (to put it frankly)
anything at all!
Yet, my dream still clamors loudly.
To that end, I strived
in that storm of confusion and rife
to find my true self, my core
and reveal my awesomness galore.
That is me!