condemnation vs conviction
condemnation punishes you for your guilt
conviction forgives you for repenting your sins in asking christ jesus to uphold you
condemnation burys your soul
conviction resuurects your newness to life being born again
condemnation distorts the truth
conviction tells the truth
condemnation is the enemy
conviction is your friend
condemnation seperates you from the Holy Spirit
conviction draws you closer to God
condemnation doesn't suppress the oppression of hatred
conviction suppress the oppression of shame
condemnation ridicules through judgement of atrocity
conviction uplifts your spirits through triumph
condemnation alienates you of joy
conviction edifies you of strength
condemnation enslaves you with ignorance
conviction frees you with love
condemnation is the problem
conviction is the solution
condemnation is a coward
conviction is all courageous
condemnation is the reason you'll be dead
conviction is the reason you'll be alive
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Love this break down. ..helps understanding our true identity as Christians to know that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. ..amen
This is powerful. Like you said, God didn't come to condemn, he came to redeem those who were lost. I think there are many out there who are confused by the very idea, who are blinded by what the world says is true versus what God says is true. Excellent job. Keep up the good work, don't get distracted by the world because that's something that's really easy to do. Instead, continue keeping your focus on God, keeping him your center, letting him infiltrate all that you do. If you do, you'll go far. Be transformed by Him so that in Him, you can help change the life of others. I just joined and am excited and look forward to reading more of your work.
I see that you don’t care if a reader hates one of your poems, just as long as they finish it. What a bold one you have here.