A couple years ago
A girl asked me why I didn’t wear makeup
And when I shrugged and said I didn’t like it
She told me that I should at least use concealer
At least just for pictures
Because of the bags under my eyes
What she doesn’t know is that those bags
Are sources of pride for me
Because they encapsulate the struggle
That I went through
As depression’s black, inky tendrils
Tried to drag me under a sea of despair
When one day, it actually succeeded
When one day, I drowned
When one day, I decided to die
You think that we don’t cry when we decide to do it
You think, perhaps, that we are relieved
But we are not
We weep
We sob at what drives us towards the decision
We cry for the life we’re losing
We bawl in disgust at ourselves
I didn’t need more black, inky tendrils
Trailing down my face
As I made my decision
Of course I felt guilty
Of course I wished I were stronger
But you must understand the feelings we feel
I couldn’t deal with the self-loathing
The feeling that everything I do is wrong
That every word I say
Action I enact
Choice I make
Is wrong and is constantly being judged by those around me
I was tired of people judging me
But more importantly, I was tired of judging myself
School teaches me to compare myself to others
When there’s no comparison because each of us is different and that’s okay
But I listened and did what I was told
And I saw only those who were better, who would always be better
They were mountains where I was hills
They were hills where I was anthills
They were anthills where I was an ant
They were a shoe! And I felt worthless.
So you must understand why
Soon these feelings would disappear
As my life snuffed out like the dying end of a burning cigarette
Best to put out the cancerous agent than to allow it to burn
Better to let it die than to allow it to harm you
Is that not right?
If we are all fire, then I am the raging flame that burns itself out
If we are all fire, I am little more than a candle that eats itself alive
Dripping wax falling like blood drops
My blood drops
Into oblivion
If we are all fires, I was bound to die when the floodwaters came roaring in
Keeping your head above the water only works for so long
Eventually, you must learn how to swim
I didn’t, so I drowned
And in doing so, I learned
Oh, how I learned
I learned that
You don’t go across the river
You go up the river
You don’t take a bottle of pain medication
You take Nembutal or Seconal
You don’t walk into the river and breathe water
You turn on the ignition and breathe carbon monoxide
You don’t tie the bag around your neck
You tie the noose and step
Each method only promised to increase the agony, however
Because there’s no painless way to lose your life
Not if you’re the one who’s stealing it
But I wanted to anyway, I wanted to so badly
And to expunge the thoughts, I thought of my life as an investment
My body, my soul is one in which my parents have been pouring time and money
And if I die, the stock market crashes
I remember when it happened years ago
And how anxious and sad my parents had been
And I thought how, this time, I could stop that sadness
Because this stock market was one I controlled
And so when the wave came for me again, I was prepared
And I told myself that to survive
You don’t always have to swim
Sometimes, all you have to do
Is keep your head above the water
So when this girl asked why I don’t use concealer
Concealer for what? The bags under my eyes?
Those are battle scars
Evidence of the war I fought every day just to wake up
To get through the day
The war my body fought to open my eyes night after night
When it would’ve been so easy to let them flutter shut forever
Why conceal that?
The world isn’t a fairy tale
But happily ever after can exist
It just comes from inside of you
The road to it isn’t easy
And I’m not in the business of pretending like it is
So screw the concealer
See me for who I am
Or don’t see me at all
But I won’t help you in making myself disappear
If you choose to shut your eyes, that’s on you
Because I never concealed myself