Went blind and died
Completely justified; age kills
Truly, no being reaches end
They instead are ended.
Makes sense by nature:
By nature fruits grow and spoil
By nature flowers blossom
And wither away each season
Nature absorbs what once held
Significance, taking claim
Of spoiled things to make room
For other things to spoil
For further growth and blossoming.
In that respect, it becomes clear
That nature is a fierce architect
Ridding itself of what it sees fit
Likely to rebuild, but what of us,
Who cannot match its ability to mend?
What becomes of those who cannot heal
When nature sees fit to take claim,
Without regards to race,
Creed, color, or name,
Of a companion, a friend
A limb may fall from a tree, and
Ultimately it’s alright with me
The rotted tree limb will meet its end
May the world swallow it, but let me keep my friend
For a stomach aches and bones may break,
From a nightmare one may wake, from
Shivers loose one too may shake
But hearts they shatter, like crystal shatters.